Sunday, March 11, 2007

South America’s resurgent left is a threat to liberty

Olavo de Carvalho has published an article on "Brookesnews" on the blindness of America towards the real role of Brazilian President Lula da Silva and the Latin American left. A must.

South America’s resurgent left is a threat to liberty

Olavo de Carvalho


Monday 5 March 2007

Since my arrival in this hospitable country in May 2005, I have been trying to explain to Americans that Lula would never be able — much less willing — to help them to stop Hugo Chavez. I have spread this obvious truth in lectures delivered to audiences of politicians, journalists, strategical analysts and intelligence experts. Though some of them agree with me, the prevalent opinion remains unaltered: Lula is America’s best hope in Latin America. Even now that attorney-general Alberto Gonzales had to swallow an explicit refusal from the Brazilian government to serve as a muzzle for the Venezuelan mad dog, nobody from Washington has admitted that the Brazilian fruitcake hidden somewhere in the Virginian brushwood was right after all.


Tags: Sao Paulo Forum | Politics | Olavo de carvalho | Lula | Latin America | chavez | Bush


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yessir; of late I done mouty famous. Thus, some one dreamt that he had written a comedy which embodied a definite motif ; it was being performed; the first act was over amid enthusiastic applause; there was great clapping.. I would have found them sooner if his tail had not got into my eyes.. Naturally, I would not draw such far-reaching conclusions if only one analysis were known to me.. Dey ain't see no mules like dem in Newbraska. But Edward Morland was full of kind feeling for everything and everybody; and his views of life had hitherto been tinted with a perpetual rose-color.. The deeper interpretation of this dream depends upon another dream of the same night in which the dreamer identifies herself with her brother.. But I can settle the problem of anxiety dreams in very short order; for what they may reveal is not a new aspect of the dream problem; it is a question in their case of understanding neurotic anxiety in general.. Forgetting everything except his cherished ambition, he braced himself for the contest, took a twist hold on the lines, sent a sharp, quick call to his horse, and let him out for all that was in him.. Moreover, the thing had resolved itself rather into a contest between Ellsworth and himself, and he had done a little making and breaking of men and things in his own time.. Nor will it seem a matter of chance that in the course of interpretation one always happens upon subjects of which one does not like to speak or think.. But look here, William, exclaimed Buller, it will get there just as we do; no horse could stand a roaring up in the air like that! Podington laughed.. The decomposition of these mixed images by analysis is often the quickest way to an interpretation of the dream.. I know men who would buy out half the house to have their personality put on the stage so the public would recognize it.. Frederic Ingham, my double, stepped in through the library into the Gorges's grand saloon.. He once said to me that if anything of his was remembered he thought it would be his poem, Lo, the Summer Girl.. Finally, Freud established a direct connection between dreams and insanity, between the symbolic visions of our sleep and the symbolic actions of the mentally deranged.. Time after time he quickened his pace, only to find that he had been fooled by a patch of dogwood, a clump of haw bushes or even a leaf-strewn knoll, but at last he unmistakably saw the dress, and then he slowed down to a careless saunter.. Edward Morland handed her to her carriage, and then joined his mother and sister in their commendations of Mrs.. Prue had long since laid away her work, and had heard every word of the story...

10:47 AM  
Blogger Maya Felix said...

Li seu comentário no Blog da Norma Braga acerca de Foucault. No mínimo, deselegante. Além de deselegante, desprovido de conhecimento. Provavelmente o senhor nunca leu absolutamente nada de Foucault. O sr., percebe-se, ignora não só o que é a obra de Foucault como também o FATO, narrado nas Escrituras Sagradas, de que Jesus não tentou "entender" o criminoso. Ele fou muito além disso, pois AMOU todo e qualquer pecador e por ele deu sua vida. Jesus deu sua vida inclusive pelo sr., que julga, que é inclemente, que é grosseiro e impiedoso, pecador e indigno da Graça de Deus. Jesus disse : "A cada vez que fizestes a um deste pequeninos, a mim o fizestes." Quem são esses? Os presos, os enfermos, os que têm fome, os que nada têm. Deles é o reino dos Céus, está no Sermão do Monte. Certamente o sr. não é um deles, pois deve dizer, como em está escrito em Apocalipse: "Rico sou, e estou enriquecido, e de nada tenho falta (e não sabe que és um desgraçado, e miserável, e pobre, e cego, e nu), ..."

Ao ladrão que morreu na cruz, à adúltera que deveria ter sido apedrejada Jesus perdoou, amou, estendeu a mão. E o sr., devedor para com Deus como qualuqer criminoso, não maior que qualquer pecador, insufla-se de arrogância e destila sua escrita pénible para que publicamente seja exposta sua vergonha.

Quer Deus se apiede do sr.

Mayalu Felix

1:05 PM  

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